Playing casino games often require the utilization of chips. For anyone who has yet to play with this kind of payment system, the process can be a bit daunting. Fortunately, you do not have to be scared. Simply read below to understand what the colors of these chips entail.

Getting familiar with these denominations will be the first step to becoming a professional casino player. Nevertheless, before we go ahead and explain the meanings of these colors, you have to understand that there are no universal color combinations when it comes to casino chips.

Since it is impossible to guarantee that you will see the type of chip that we will list on this article, we will, instead, write about the most common color combinations that you can see being used in casinos today.

Let this list be a guide for you in your future endeavors to play games at any casino.

Predominantly White Chip

A white colored chip is often recognized as the chip with the lowest value. Sometimes, it can reach a monetary value of $1-$2. A white chip is also commonly used in poker.

Predominantly Pink Chip

This is a color that is not frequently observed in casino chips. Nevertheless, if you happen to stumble upon this kind of chip, you have to know that the value of this chip often revolves around $3-$4. This is also a chip that is widely used in black-jack.

Predominantly Red Chip

This color symbolizes a value of $5.

Predominantly Blue Chip

The color of this chip often suggests that the equivalent amount of this chip is about $10-$15. There are also some occasions wherein the value of this chip can reach up to $24.

Predominantly Green Chip

In a basic casino setting, this colored chip contains one of the highest values in casino chips. The amount that is reflected on this chip often starts from $25 and can even reach $50.

Predominantly Black Chip

Oftentimes, this kind of chip has the most significant value in all casino chips. The minimum amount of this chip is equivalent to a $100. While it may seem big, it is only the biggest when it comes to traditional casino settings.

Predominantly Brown Chip

Commonly, the brown chip represents the most expensive value. The equivalent amount of this chip begins at $5000. Nevertheless, not every casino has this kind of chip in its gameplay.

While the information listed above can be very helpful to your very own gameplay experience, remember that this is not a fixed concept. At the end of the day, the value that the color of the chip represents still depends on the casino which operates the game.

If you have a great interest in crafting your design for a casino chip, find out the best software to use for this job. Nevertheless, if you can think of other color combinations that we need to discuss, don’t hesitate to contact our team.